UPDATE: Due to high COVID numbers, Arisia 2022 has officially been cancelled. I'm sad but, well, yeah. It's likely for the best.
Until we meet again, friends, stay healthy and safe!
Superman and Religion
Friday, January 14
Michael A. Burstein (moderator), Pablo Vazquez, William H. Foster III, Alex Jarvis, Gillian Daniels
Superman remains an enigmatic figure in American mythology. As an often Christlike figure (who worships a Kryptonian sun deity), created by two Jewish sons of immigrants, the Man of Steel also includes elements from the Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh. Does the wide cast of Superman’s religious influences render him a defender-of-all-faiths? Can any religion claim him as one of their own? Arisia last explored this question seven years ago; have more recent stories complicated any of these questions?
Overt or Covert Antagonists: Who's "More Evil"?
Saturday, January 15
Gillian Daniels (moderator), Athena Andreadis PhD, Allison Neff, Gordon Linzner, Sonya Taaffe
Some antagonists shout "villain!" as soon as they appear on the page or screen: hissing, winking their glowing red eyes, and cheerfully skewering villagers. Others--and these can be both more realistic and more chilling--are more circumspect in their wickedness. What makes the stealth antagonist so frightening? Bring your favorite wolf in sheep's clothing (my apologies to wolves) to our discussion.
Identifying Markets For Your Work
Marina 3
Ken Schneyer (moderator), M. Dalto, Rachel A. Brune, Gillian Daniels, Rachel Kenley
This workshop invites writers to bring their ideas, and we will explore how they might do some preliminary research to understand the state of publishing for that genre, and find a fit for their work-in-progress in the wild, wild world that publishing (both indie and traditional) has become. Attendance to this workshop will be capped at 15 participants.
Creeping Sense of Doom
Monday, January 17
Gillian Daniels (moderator), Liz Salazar, Sonya Taaffe, Rachel A. Brune
Long before the monster strikes and the evil lurches into view, some authors excel at creating dread. How do you hint at the terror lurking just around the corner without spoiling the rest of the story? Panelists will explore the question of creating apprehension and foreboding in works of horror and other genres.