Sunday, November 5, 2017

Ballad, Breath, and Serpent Mistresses

What a harvest.

In quick succession, I've managed to finalize three sales. The first is to Beneath Ceaseless Skies, a market I've been wanting to get into for a long time. Editor Scott H. Andrews has made my story, "His Wife and Serpent Mistress," available in issue #238, which you can buy on Kindle for $0.99. I'm flattered to be published alongside author Marie Brennan.

I've also just sold a flash piece, "Beast of Breath," to Fireside Fiction. I'm ecstatic and deeply grateful to editor Julia Rios.

I'm also enormously pleased to be a part of the 40.4 Fall 2017 issue of Star*Line with my poem, "You Sing Your Murder Ballad." I'm so happy editor Vince Gotera is taking a chance on the piece.

This has been a year with a lot of ups and downs, but the "ups" have been in the stratosphere.


This year, I've decided to give NaNoWriMo a shot. I want to finish a draft of a novel (or novella). A lot. I'm hoping this is my key to doing so. If you want to say hi, I'm listed as gillianeatsbooks.