Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Tell a Stone

In the eleventh issue of Stone Telling, my poem, "To the Creature," is available for consumption. Or, if you prefer, listening. And yes, that's me reading.

Special thanks to Rose Lemberg and Shweta Narayan for publishing an issue of poets not yet featured in their lovely publication. You should read their introduction.

The issue came out on the tail of my second set of reviews for Fantastic Stories. I'm enjoying writing it and hope you've taken a look at the recommendations so far.

November has been nice so far in New England. I decided not to participate in NaNoWriMo but, as one of my writing group friends has dubbed it, ReviYoNoMo (Revise Your Novel Month). Another name: FiYoFuNo (Finish Your Fucking Novel). Which is all to say I'm investing time in editing a longer, more complex work that I hope to one day have ready for widespread reading and poking.