Friday, January 24, 2014

2013 in Review

A Forest Pool (1595-1600) Paul Bril
Though visible in the side bar, I figure I'd recap the things I published in 2013.  It appears to be The Thing to Do if you're a writer with a blog.  

Also, I'm proud of the way this past year has gone and genuinely surprised it's ended up so fruitful in the publications realm!  I was really discouraged in the first few months of 2013.  The acceptances below mean a great deal to me.


"Eat the Children" (Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, April 2013)

"The Tiger is Herself" (Flying Higher: An Anthology of Superhero Poetry, Aug 2013)


Of course, a world of thanks  to the editors who plucked my work out of the slush pile, smoothed it out, and placed it in their fine publications.  I remain honored.  John Klima, Shira Lipkin, Suzanne Vincent, Anna Yeatts, Michael Damian Thomas, Dave Thompson, Lucy Zinkiewicz, and all others involved in the process, thank you.